
Origins of Intelligence Testing

Origins of Intelligence TestingMany psychologists disagree about the best way to define and measure intelligence. However, several intelligence tests exist that are widely used today. In this interactivity, you will learn about the contributions Alfred Binet, Lewis Terman, and David Wechsler made in this realm of psychology. Click the player to begin.

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Theories of Intelligence

Theories of IntelligenceIntelligence tests measure aptitude, but many psychologists argue that other abilities are needed for people to become successful and effective. For example, IQ by itself does not predict job performance. Because there is no consensus on intelligence, various theories have arisen. In this interactivity, you will learn about such theories. Click the player to begin.

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Intelligence Review

self-check iconIntelligence ReviewNow that you have had a chance to explore intelligence, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player to get started.