Module 8: Personality

Personality Wordle TM
Authentic AssessmentAs you have learned, your core personality traits should remain relatively stable regardless of the situation, environment, or people around you. In this authentic assessment, you will determine what your stable personality traits are by collecting words that describe you. You should ask at least ten different people to provide you three words each, making a total of thirty words.

Ask each person to give you an answer for the following statement: “Please give me three words that you believe best describe my personality.” If someone gives you a word that represents a physical aspect of yourself, clarify that you need a word that describes your personality. Keep track of all thirty words with the Traits Tracker.

After you have collected thirty words, create a WordleTM to display your personality traits. Make sure that you also include your name prominently in the WordleTM with your given personality traits creatively surrounding your name. You may create a WordleTM by hand or through the online WordleTM website.

Before you begin, access the Thirty Traits Collage Checklist to make sure you include all items required for full credit.


After you have completed your WordleTM, think about the following questions and respond to them in eight to ten sentences.

  • Do you feel the words you received accurately describe your personality? Why or why not?
  • Did it surprise you that a word was included or was left out from the list? Why or why not?
  • Based on your word list, and your general understanding of yourself, how do you think Freud, Neo-Freudian, or contemporary research on personality would describe your personality? Explain by referencing at least two specific theories.
  • Comparing your word list to one of the personality assessments you learned about in the module, what type of personality do you have? Why?

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Once you have completed your WordleTM and reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox.


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Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.