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Schizophrenia Through the Eyes of John Nash

List IconHow can you understand symptoms you have never experienced? As you have likely guessed, it proves difficult to grasp what sufferers of schizophrenia undergo if you have never personally possessed the symptoms. For this reason, you will examine the life of John Nash, a gifted mathematician who developed schizophrenia.

Digital Repository IconTake a moment to research John Nash by reading A Brilliant Madness - Behind the Scenes: The Documentary, from eMediaVASM. When you open the link, notice that there are topics about John Nash located on the left hand side of the page. The bulk of the information for your research is found in the link titled, "John Nash." The other links will help extend your learning. As you research, take informal notes about pieces of information that will help you answer the below questions.

  • Before Nash was diagnosed with schizophrenia, were there any indicators that he had a psychological disorder?
  • How did schizophrenia impact Nash's life?
  • What type of schizophrenia did Nash have? What were the symptoms?
  • What treatments did Nash receive for schizophrenia? Did this help or harm him?
  • Was Nash ever cured of schizophrenia? Is this common or uncommon in instances of people with the disorder?

Blog IconUsing the research you gathered on Nash, write a blog about his life and experiences with schizophrenia. Imagine you are Nash and compose your blog in first person, as if you are documenting your own life's challenges and accomplishments. Address each of the above questions.

Before you begin your assignment, review the Through the Eyes of John Nash Checklist to help you complete your assignment and understand how you will be graded. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing resources.


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Once you have completed your blog, please submit your work to the dropbox.