State and Local Public Policy
During this topic you learned that in regional government, you may be able to meet with your representatives personally, or even speak to them directly at a public hearing held in your community. For this assignment, choose an issue in your state or locality that is important to you. Prepare a 3-5 minute podcast for your state or local representatives that addresses your concerns on the issue.
Be sure that your podcast includes the following:
- two to three questions for your representatives regarding their action or lack of action on the issue;
- data from multiple sources to support your concerns;
- a proposed solution to resolve the issue; and
- one or more ways to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution.
Your podcast should be well-organized, creative, and interesting. Instead of just presenting the information, your podcast should weave the information together in order to inform your representatives of your concerns. In addition to your audio file, you should submit a transcript of your podcast. Use the audio recording information found in the Developmental Module to help you create your podcast.
Before you begin, access the Public Hearing Podcast Rubric to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit. You will need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment, so please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you use.
Once you have completed your written script and your podcast, please submit the audio file and the transcript to the dropbox.