State and Local Public Policy

Influencing State and Local GovernmentInfluencing State and Local Government

How can an individual impact the public policy of his or her regional government? During this episode of WUSG News, you will see how many of the methods used to influence public policy at the national level can be used even more efficiently at the state and local level. Click the player button to start the episode.

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Progressive Case StudyProgressive Case Study

Many significant changes in American public policy begin at the local level. In this episode, you will examine a case study that will help illustrate how individuals efforts at the state and local levels of government can impact public policy in the national government. Click the player button to get started.

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State and Local Public Policy Review

Government Finances ReviewNow that you have finished learning about public policy at the state and local levels of government, it is time to test your knowledge. Using the information covered in this topic, please complete this non-graded interactivity. Answer each of the multiple choice questions to the best of your ability. You will be able to review your answers after you submit them. Click the player button to start the review.