Virginia's Impact On American Government

Virginia State FlagIn this topic, you learned about the pivotal role Virginia played in the foundation of the United States.

The Constitution of Virginia contained several core ideas from European thinkers John Locke and Montesquieu. These ideas - the natural rights of man and the separation of powers - were also represented in George Mason's Virginia Declaration of Rights. The Virgina Declaration of Rights was included in the Constitution of Virginia and was a notable precursor to the Bill of Rights.

Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom guaranteed freedom of religion to all Virginians. This freedom was later granted to all Americans when it was included in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

James Madison is often referred to as the "Father of the Constitution." This is due to his efforts in recording the proceedings of the Constitutional Convention, drafting the Virginia Plan, writing several of The Federalist Papers arguing for ratification, and drafting of the Bill of Rights.