The Constitution

The PreambleThe Preamble

The Constitution was drafted after it became clear that the government under the Articles of Confederation was ineffective. The Preamble is the introductory portion of the U.S. Constitution. It serves as the thesis of the document, clearly stating its purpose. This episode will focus on the Preamble of the Constitution. Click the player button to begin.

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The ArticlesThe Articles

After the Preamble introduces the purpose of the Constitution, there are seven Articles, which create the framework for the entire American government. In this episode you will learned about each of the seven Articles of the U.S. Constitution. To watch the episode, click the player button.

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The PrinciplesThe Principles

You have covered several of the influences of the U.S. Constitution. In this episode, Jamie Madson will help you to narrow down these influences to six basic principles of the Constitution. Please click the player buttong to begin.

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The Constitution ReviewThe Constitution Review

After learning about the Preamble, Articles, and principles of the U.S. Constitution, it is time to review. This non-graded interactivity contains multiple selection, multiple choice, and matching questions about the Constitution. Follow the directions on the screen and submit your answers in order to review them. To start the review, please click the player button.