The Legislative Process
Congress is responsible for making laws, but how are those laws made? This episode will teach you how laws are made, as WUSG News' legislative analyst, Bill O'Law, walks you through all of the steps of the legislative process. To watch this episode of WUSG News, click the player button.
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Citizen participation is an important part of any democratic government. Although America is a representative democracy, citizens still have direct influence over public policy. Congressional expert, Pilar de la Casa, will discuss how individuals and groups can influence the legislative process. Click the player button to begin.
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The Legislative Process Review
Now that you have learned about the legislative process, you may review your progress. This non-graded interactivity contains a drag and drop sequence question and several true/false questions. Follow the on screen directions for each portion and submit your answers to review them. Click the player button to begin the review.