Executive Powers

Roles of the PresidentRoles of the President

As the head of the executive branch of the national government, the President is responsible for fulfilling different roles. In this episode of WUSG News, Preston Dent will help guide you through eight different roles of the President of the United States. To start the episode, click the player button.

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Executive Checks on PowerExecutive Checks on Power

One of the core principles of the U.S. Constitution is the system of checks and balances built into the government. In this episode, you will see how the executive branch has the ability to check the powers of the legislative and judicial branches. Click the player button to watch the episode.

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Special Sessions of Congress

The annual series of meetings of Congress is called a session. Typically, a session of Congress is convened in early January and adjourned in December. Under Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, the President has the power to call a "special session" of one or both houses of Congress to address "extraordinary" situations, such as a natural disaster, war, or an economic crisis. This means that Congress has to reconvene during adjournment. The last President to call a special session of Congress was Harry S. Truman in 1948. Although it rarely occurs, the President's ability to call a special session of Congress is another example of an executive check on legislative power.

Growing Presidential PowerGrowing Presidential Power

There is a common perception among Americans that the power of the President has grown since the days of George Washington. There is some truth to this perception, as you will see in this episode of Presidential Presence, in which you will study the expansion of the executive branch up to the present day. Click the player button to begin.

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Executive Powers ReviewExecutive Powers Review

Now that you have explored the powers of the executive branch, it is time to practice everything you have learned. This interactivity is non-graded and consists of a multiple choice section and a true or false section. Read the instructions on your screen and answer the questions to the best of your ability. After you submit your answers, you will be able to review them. Click the player button to begin the review.