Public Policy

Public Policy and Public OpinionPublic Policy and Public Opinion

Government officials may ultimately be responsible for the nation’s public policy, but the media, interest groups, and individuals also play a role. During this episode of WUSG News, Glover Mint will discuss how public policy and public opinion influence each other. Click the player button to begin the episode.

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Interest GroupsInterest Groups

In this episode of WUSG News, Glover Mint discusses interest groups in detail. You will examine the various types of interest groups, as well as learn about the different ways interest groups attempt to influence public policy. Click the player button to get started.

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Government Influence on Public PolicyGovernment Influence on Public Policy

Legislation, Supreme Court decisions, and executive actions are all examples of how the national government can influence public policy. In this episode, you will examine three specific examples of the national government shaping public policy: the ERA, the ADA, and the ESEA. Click the player button to start.

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Public Policy ReviewPublic Policy Review

Now that you have finished studying public policy, it is time to review everything you have learned. Use the information from this topic to complete this non-graded interactivity. This review is composed of several multiple choice questions. Simply read each question, select the best possible answer, and click the submit button to check your answer. Click the player to begin.