The New England Colonies
Take a moment to think about the Puritans: this group of church members wanted to reform the Church of England. They believed that the Church of England contained too much Catholic ritual and tradition. In order to pursue religious freedom, the Puritans journeyed to the New World for a fresh start. Now, think about some of the aspects of your own life. Is there anything important to you that you would like to reform? What changes would you make? Do you think you would need to completely relocate and start fresh?
In your journal, create a list of things you would like to reform. Then, using one of the items on your list, answer the questions listed above in a brief paragraph. If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.
Once you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod1_reform and submit it to the journal dropbox.