Courts, Rights, and the Rule of Law
The Right to Privacy
As a citizen of the United States, do you have a right to privacy? Likely, you would say that you do have a right to privacy. However, if you examine the United States Constitution, you would not find any written right to privacy. The reason a right to privacy exists is that the United States Supreme Court has consistently ruled that there is a constitutional basis for a right to privacy, and American citizens have a right to be protected from government interference. Take a moment to explore two court cases where this right to privacy is maintained by the Supreme Court: Roe v. Wade and Riley v. California. Click the player button to begin.
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Equal Rights
The U.S. Supreme Court plays a significant role in making sure that all citizens are afforded equal rights. During the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement used court cases to help extend civil rights and promote equal justice. The Civil Rights Movement became a model that other minority groups now use to try and gain their own equal rights. In this interactivity, you will examine the court cases Loving v. Virginia and Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona. Click the player button to begin.
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Rule of Law
The United States Supreme Court also plays an important role in maintaining the rule of law. The rule of the law means that every person, institution, and entity is held to the same legal standards. No one is above or exempt from the law regardless of his or her position. Even if the President commits a crime, he can still be charged for it. In this interactivity, you will examine the cases of Gideon v. Wainwright and Snyder v. Phelps to better understand the rule of law. Click the player button to begin.
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Courts, Rights, and the Rule of Law Review
Now that you have explored information about courts, rights, and the rule of law, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click on the player button to get started.