Causes and Consequences of the Great Depression
Take a moment to think about how you feel when you arrive home after a long day. Perhaps you feel relieved, cozy, or safe. Now imagine your parent or guardian comes into your bedroom and tells you that the family's money has been lost, and you have to move out of your home. How would you react to this news?
Examine the picture above. What you see is a community in New York City that arose on the streets during the Great Depression when people lost their jobs and their homes. Communities like these, called shanty towns, are where many Americans lived during this time period.
In your journal, compose a four to five sentence explanation that describes how you would feel if you suddenly had to leave your home and move into a shanty town. Include how your life would change, and what you would be leaving behind. If you need assistance writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.
Once you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod7_shantytown and submit it to the journal dropbox.