The Spread of Communism
After the end of World War II, communism began to spread throughout the world, not just in Europe. Americans feared this trend would continue, so they looked for ways to contain communism. In this interactivity, click the vertical tabs to view information about the spread of communism. Click the player button to begin.
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President Harry Truman described the war on communism as a fight between enslaved people and free people. Take a moment to watch the video, The Beginning of the Cold War from eMediaVASM to discover how the President committed Americans to combat communism around the world.
The Korean War
After World War II, Korea was divided into northern and southern sections, similar to the split experienced in Germany. The United States controlled the south, and the Soviet Union controlled the north. Differences in government philosophies lead to a war which has never officially ended. Today, the United States military maintains a presence in South Korea. In this interactivity, discover how the Korean War started. Click the player button to begin.
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General Douglas MacArthur
General Douglas MacArthur served in World War I, World War II, and in the occupation of Japan, before he was appointed the head of the United Nations forces during the Korean War. In order to take back control after Chinese troops entered the war, MacArthur wanted to use atomic weapons. President Harry Truman fired MacArthur for attempting to go against his policy of not magnifying the war. Despite the fact that he was relieved from the army, the General returned to the United States as a hero.
MacArhur's mother, Mary Hardy MacArthur, was born in Norfolk, Virginia. In 1951, the General
came to the city to honor his deceased mother. Although this was not his home town, MacArthur declared that he finally felt at home. In 1964, the mayor of Norfolk opened a museum for the General, in the location of the former City Hall. In a speech MacArthur prepared for the museum's dedication, he wrote that the goal of the memorial was to "preserve the memory of the past, while always keeping an eye on the future." Before the memorial's dedication, MacArthur died. The General's funeral marked the offical opening of the MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk, Virginia. Today, his body is buried beneath the rotunda.
Containment Review
Now that you have learned about containment, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click on the player button to get started.