Major States and Empires In 1500 A.D.

It is important for you to be able to identify where the major empires and states were located around 1500 A.D. In the non-graded activity below, use the map provided to locate each of the important empires and states. Then, enter the appropriate number into the blank and click Submit. Later in this topic, you will be able to download a completed version of the map for you to use as a reference in this course. Click the player to begin.

Trade Patterns

By 1500 A.D., regional trade patterns developed that linked Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. These trade patterns were of major importance, as people in these regions encountered new products, resources, and ideas. Increased trade led to the spread of technology and scientific knowledge including:

  • Mathematic principles
  • Arabic numerals
  • New medical practices
  • Sailing techniques
  • Astronomy

Early Trade Routes

The spread of these new ideas and technologies transformed the world. The pace of change sped up after many centuries of relatively slow change. In this interactivity, read the short introduction and click on each of the tabs to examine each of these new trade patterns and their impact on the world. Click the player to begin.

Download a printable version of the interactivity.

Trade Routes Review

Now that you have explored the early trades routes and learned about the items that were traded, complete the activity to test your knowledge. After reading each question, check the boxes next to the correct answer or answers and click Submit. Click the player to get started.