Major States and Empires In 1500 A.D.

Old map of world.What was the state of the world in 1500 A.D.? In this topic, you will explore the major empires that were in existance during this time period. This snapshot will give you a foundation to begin your examination of world history starting in 1500 A.D.

Also, you are going to examine the major trading routes that linked economies in different parts of the globe. Trade plays an extremely important role in the development of nations and the spread of culture and ideas from place to place.

Essential Questions

  • On the world political map, where were some of the major states and empires located around 1500 A.D.?
  • What were the regional trading patterns about 1500 A.D., and why were they important?
  • What technological and scientific advancements had been made and exchanged by 1500 A.D.?