Indian Independence

Image of Gandhi spinning his own cloth.
Mohandas Gandhi spinning his own cloth

Great Britain's colony in India was one of the empire's most important possessions. After World War II, Britain could no longer afford to maintain control over this region, especially since the local populations sought independence for many decades. Great Britain decided to grant independence to the colony. This action resulted in the creation of four new countries: India, Pakistan, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and Burma (now Myanmar). Later, East Pakistan, separated from West Pakistan by India, would become the independent state of Bangladesh.

Many documentaries have recounted the struggle for Indian independence and the non-violent tactics of Mohandas Gandhi. View this presentation to learn about India's transition from a British colony to an independent nation.

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Indian Independence Review

Now that you have explored the independence movements in India and Pakistan, check your knowledge of important people and events in this interactivity. Click the player to get started.