Transformation by Raphael
Unlike the Roman Empire, medieval society did not collapse to be replaced with an entirely new order. There were no waves of Germanic invaders and no collapse of civic order and commerce like what happened at the end of the Roman Empire.
There were a number of events, however, that did lead to great changes in people's lives. War, plague, and a loss of trust in the Catholic Church’s authority helped pave for a new era called the Renaissance. By 1350, many of the new attitudes and interests that defined this era had emerged. Personal values changed as the old ideas of simplicity, poverty, and humility were slowly being replaced by people’s drive for pleasure, money, and status.
Political systems changed as the medieval feudal system was gradually replaced by national monarchies. England, France, and Spain established strong, centralized governments around monarchs. Their example would soon be followed by many other European countries.
As a result, most serfs were emancipated or freed from being tied to the land. The agricultural economies in Italy were transformed. A thriving commercial business and middle class evolved as merchants did not have to worry about producing their own food.
There are certain times in every world society when a burst of energy occurs – new ideas, new inventions, or a deep spiritual insight will start people thinking in new and different ways. This is what occurred all over Europe from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century during the period known as the Renaissance.
During the Renaissance, people embraced new ideas and charted a new direction for society. Many of the new ideas were rooted in the values of ancient Greece and Rome, which focused on what many people believed was most important – the needs of the individual. Although the majority of the people who embraced the ideas of the Renaissance were few – mostly the aristocracy and the rising middle class – they transformed society, despite their small numbers.
A Brief History of the Renaissance
There were several artists and intellectuals who epitomized the work of the Renaissance. In this presentation, you will explore the important people, places, and inventions of the Renaissance in Europe. Also, you will learn why the Renaissance began in Italy and how it spread to other regions during the time that many consider to be the "birth" of the modern world. Click the player to begin.
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The Basics of the Renaissance Review
Now that you have seen how the Renaissance transformed European society, practice what you have learned about the people, places, and events of this time period. In this interactivity, read each question and select the appropriate answer or answers and click Submit. Click the player to get started.