Since the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church was the undisputed leader of religious thought and power in Western Europe. Although there had been earlier thinkers who challenged the Church’s beliefs, in the 1500s, a number of different groups launched a real challenge to the Catholic Church’s authority. This resistance became known as the Protestant Reformation.The word Protestant means one who protests, and Reformation is rooted in the word reform, which is what these people sought to do – reform the teachings of the Catholic Church and end its abuse of power.
The Protestant Reformation
The Protestant Reformation would have a drastic impact on Europe's political and economic institutions, creating centuries of conflict. View this presentation to examine some of the most important figures of this movement and the reasons they had for wanting to reform the Catholic Church. Click the player to begin.
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Protestant Reformation Review
Now that you have learned about the beliefs and actions of some of the most important figures of the Protestant Reformation, practice your knowledge in the non-graded interactivity. Read each question and select the most appropriate answer or answers. Once you have made all of your answer selections, click Submit. Click the player to get started.