Latin American Independence

Revolution in Latin America

How did countries in Latin America gain their independence from Europian colonialism, and what were the effects of these revolutions? In this interactivity, examine some of the independence movements in Latin America to see what inspired them and who the major leaders were. Click the player to begin.

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The colonial experiences of Latin America left a legacy of a rigid class system and dictatorial rule in the region. Throughout the 20th century, several Latin American dictators, like Alberto Fujimori of Peru and Augusto Pinochet of Chile, seized political power and committed human rights violations in the name of improving their countries. While they captured and sometimes killed political prisoners, they saw themselves as protectors of their nations against international interference. Recently, Venezuela's president, Hugo Chavez, has compared himself to Simon Bolivar as a political tool to recall nationalistic feelings of independence and pride. Professing anti-imperialistic ideals, he has been critical of United States foreign policy and U.S. interference in Latin American politics.


Latin American Revolutions Review

Now that you have explored the important people, places, and events of several Latin American independence movements, practice what you have learned in this non-graded activity. Read each question and select the appropriate answer or answers. Then, click Submit. Click the player to get started.