Real-World Inequality Problems
Real-World Linear Inequalities in One Variable
In this lesson, you will be combining your math skills with your reading skills to solve real-world problems. These problems, also known as practical problems, involve linear inequalities in one variable. Click the player button to begin.
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Real-World Inequalities in Two Variables
This lesson will expand on your ability to solve real-world linear inequalities in one variable. Throughout the lesson, you will be using algebraic techniques and the graphing calculator to solve real-world inequalities two variables. Click the player button to begin.
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Real-World Systems of Inequalities
Once you have learned how to solve real-world inequalities in two variables, it is time to study real-world systems of inequalities. These types of problems contain a lot of information, so remember to sort through the problems using the three steps. Click the player button to begin.
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Real-World Inequality Problems Review
Now that you have learned how to solve various problems involving different types of real-world linear inequalities, it is time to test your knowledge. This interactivity will help you review the information covered in this topic. Click the player button to get started.
Did you answer the content review questions incorrectly? Do you want more instruction or extra practice? If so, view the videos Solving Real-World Problems Involving Linear Inequalities and Solving Real-World Problems Involving Systems of Linear Inequalities from eMediaVASM.