Graphing and Data Analysis

Parts of a Graph

Parts of a Graph playerGraphs may look simple, but they represent a great deal of information. A graph has several important parts that help visually display the patterns in a set of data. Click on each of the spinning icons to learn more about the important parts of a graph.

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Types of Graphs

Types of Graphs playerThere are many different types of graphs, and each one has a different purpose. Learning how to create and interpret graphs is an important part of conducting scientific investigations in chemistry. Different types of data require different types of graphs. Click on the label for each type of graph to learn more.

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Graphing and Data Analysis Review

Graphing and Data Analysis Review playerSelf-Check iconNow that you have learned about the different types of graphs and their important parts, check your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Read the directions associated with each question and select the correct answer or answers. Then, click SUBMIT to check your response. Click the interactivity thumbnail and then click NEXT to get started.