Dimensional Analysis

Girl sitting at computerEmail iconPretend that you have a friend that lives across the country, and that he is also studying chemistry. In a recent email to you, he explained to you that he is having difficulty understanding dimensional analysis. Because you are an expert, you have offered to send to him an email explaining dimensional analysis, and providing him with an example.

After you have explored the content in this topic, compose an email to your friend that addresses the following questions:

  1. What is the definition of a conversion factor?
  2. What are the important parts of a conversion factor?
  3. How are conversion factors used?
  4. How would you convert from 45 meters to centimeters using dimensional analysis?

Your e-mail should include a salutation and a closing, and it should accurately describe dimensional analysis and the answers to the questions provided. All of the information should be well-organized and clearly-written. Before you begin, access the Dimensional Analysis Email Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.

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Once finished with your e-mail, please submit your work to the dropbox.