It's Your Money, Your Time, Your Work, Your _______

Photograph of man with empty pocketsMany of the economic decisions you make today affect the way you live tomorrow. Simply stated, the decisions you make about how to spend your money today determine what you own and owe tomorrow. Let's look at some ways to make good decisions.

Making Choices InteractivityMaking Choices

How do you make choices? Do you like to decide on the spot, or think about things for a while? Making good choices about what to buy comes from having a good method for making those decisions. Watch this presentation to see some ways of making good decisons.

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Economic Way of Thinking InteractivityEconomic Way of Thinking

Let's go beyond definitions of economics and explore the economic way of thinking - a set of ideas that helps us to decide the costs and benefits of the decisions we make. If you have a good understanding of this way of thinking, you can use it to make thoughtful, rational decisions that will make it easier to understand the world around you and have more money in your pocket! Watch this presentation and learn how to be a savvy consumer by using the economic way of thinking.

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How You Decide InteractivityMaking Decisions the PACED Decision-Making Model

We already know the economic reasoning behind why you have to make decisions - because there are limited goods and services to satisfy your unlimited wants and needs - but HOW do you choose? Let's look at some tools for making decisions in this presentation.

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