It's Your Money, Your Time, Your Work, Your _______

Man with globeThink about how you make decisions. How do you decide what you want to eat for breakfast, what shoes to wear to school, whether to go to the movies or a concert, to buy a new car or get a paint job for the old one? While these questions might seem to be unrelated, all of our choices, the large and the small, are based on some sort of logic, whether it be rational or irrational.

In this topic, you won't consider the question "what shoes should I wear today?" or even "what car should I buy?" Instead, you will examine how to make the best decision for you and your situation. If you have a good method for making decisions, you can make good decisions.

Essential Questions:

  • What criteria should be used when making economic decisions?
  • How do your needs and wants affect your decision making process?