The Hero's Journey
What makes a hero? Is it the ability to do the impossible? Is it because heroes are brave, strong, caring, and thoughtful? Who are your heroes? What character traits do they possess? The archetypal character that transcends time as well as culture is the hero. The hero is known to have character traits, such as superhuman strength or a tragicflaw. Heroes are destined, skillful, and courageous. Heroes typically go on adventures that are journeys into the unknown in search of knowledge. This quest is to benefit the hero as well as the hero’s people. It is through the hero’s journey that the hero discovers who he or she is. The following presentation outlines The Hero Journey, as told by American scholar Joseph Campbell. In this interactivity, you will learn more about what it takes to be a hero. Click the player button to get started.
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Now that you have been introduced to the Hero’s Journey, you will be able to identify elements of the Hero’s Journey in The Epic of Gilgamesh.
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh was an epic poem from Mesopotamia. This is one of the earliest literary works of literature. The epic was originally written on tablets of stone and has been translated into many different languages. Only a few fragments of the original stone have survived.
In this interactivity, use the previous and next buttons to explore a summary of each of the tablets in The Epic of Gilgamesh. Remember, a summary restates what you just read in your own words and presents only main details, and maintains an objective voice. Please access a list of key names and places to help as you follow the summary of The Epic of Gilgamesh. Click the player button to get started.
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Analysis of Gilgamesh
A critique analyzes what was read. Often, critiques offer interpretation and judgments using evidence from the text for support. Although the word critique is often used meaning to find fault or pass negative judgment, a literary critique differs. Critique in its simplest form means to review. In this interactivity, you will explore a critique, or review, of The Epic of Gilgamesh. Click on each of the tabs to learn details about the themes, symbols, imagery, and figures of speech. Click the player button to get started.
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The Epic of Gilgamesh Review
Are you ready to test your knowledge of Gilgamesh? Can you match each word with the appropriate description or example? In this non-graded activity, drag the descriptions on the right and drop them next to the words on the left. Once you have matched all the descriptions and words, select SUBMIT to check your answers. Click the player button to get started.
Topic Vocabulary
After you view the summary about The Epic of Gilgamesh, review the root words and vocabulary from this topic found in the table below. Consider how those words are used as examples in reference to the work of The Epic of Gilgamesh. Next, compose sentences using the words "genealogy," "genesis," "metamorphosis," and "metaphysical" correctly. Refer to the word roots, definitions, and the example provided below to aid in creating these sentences. You should create a total of four sentences.
Word | Root | Root Meaning | Definition |
genealogy | gen- | birth, production, formation, kind | a record or account of a person's ancestry |
genesis | gen- | birth, production, formation, kind | a record or account of a person's ancestry |
metamorphosis | meta- | change, after, beyond, between | to change one's form or to drastically alter one's appearance or character |
metaphysical | meta- | change, after, beyond, between | experiencing a reality that is beyond "perception"; supernatural; spiritual |
Example: Gilgamesh experiences a physical and mental metamorphosis after the death of Enkidu. Gilgamesh becomes less selfish, as well as humbled, and he accepts his mortality.
Once you have completed your vocabulary sentences, please submit your work to the dropbox.