Take a moment and put yourself in Oedipus’ shoes. You are king of a city stricken with plague. Your destiny has been revealed to you. You are to kill your father and marry your mother. Your wife, Iocaste, has just told you a story of how her husband Laius was killed at the very same location you battled and killed a man. Unconvinced that it was you who murdered Laius, you are still searching for another possible killer. Do not forget that during all of this turmoil the gods have become very angry with you, and the city of Thebes, for allowing an unsolved murder.
In this assignment, you are to pretend that you are Oedipus writing your thoughts in a diary. The diary entry must include your thoughts and feelings (as Oedipus) about the latest events. Before you begin access the Oedipus’ Diary Checklist to make sure that you include all items required for full credit.
Once you have completed your diary entry, please submit your work to the dropbox.