To review everything you have learned about Okonkwo, create an acrostic poem using the letters of his name to begin each line. Think about people he interacts with, his positive and negative characteristics, and his tragic flaw. An acrostic poem uses the first letter of each line to spell out a word or a message pertaining to a theme.
Below is an example of an acrostic poem using the word TRIBE:
Using the name Okonkwo, write an acrostic poem for each letter which describes the main character, Okonkwo. Use your creativity and make sure that your poem is logical and descriptive. When creating your poem, use the following guidelines:
Before you begin, review the Acrostic Poem Rubric to help you complete your assignment and understand how your work will be graded. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.
Once you have completed your poem, submit your assignment to the dropbox.