Lord of the Flies, Chapter Four

Girl wearing a maskIn both literature and movies, you have probably noticed certain types of characters that seem to appear over and over such as heroes. Hereos appear in medieval times or in documentaries about the holocaust or September 11, 2011. Earlier you learned that these are called archetypes. In this topic, you will take a closer look at examples of archetypes that are present in the novel.

Have you ever noticed that people act differently depending on the situation in which you interact with them?  For example, you may have a friend who is very quiet in school, but when you get him or her away from the academic setting, he or she is always joking and laughing.  People hide behind all kinds of different “masks." Some masks are literal and some are figurative.  This topic will help you examine the role a mask can play on a character’s actions.

Essential Questions

  • What is an archetype?
  • What types of masks do people wear and what purpose to they serve?