Lord of the Flies, Chapter Four

Painting a MaskYou learned that the boys must wear masks in order to face their fears and accomplish a goal. With a thin coating of paint, the boys conceal themselves and hunt for the pig. This thin mask gives them the confidence they needed.  Think about the various archetypal characters present in Lord of the Flies. In this assignment, you will decorate a mask for one character. This mask will contain decorations that represent both the character's archetype as well as what has been important to that character during his time on the island.

Your mask must:

  • Clearly represent one of the characters
  • Contain decorations or be painted to represent the character's archetype
  • Contain decorations or be painted to represent anything important to the character

Before you begin, access the Character Mask Template and Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.  You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment.  If so, please submit a Works Cited document.  If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.

Options to create your mask include the following:

  1. Draw your mask on the template provided and then take pictures of it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
  2. Draw your mask on the template provided and then scan it for submission to the assignment’s dropbox.
  3. Create a new file in a paint of graphic program and utilize the software to create the mask. You can then submit your work to the assignment’s dropbox.

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Once you have completed your mask, please submit your assignment to the dropbox.