Positivity is being optimistic; it is remaining hopeful even when situations seem tough and the future seems bleak. Positivity is powerful and should be present in every situation to combat any harmful negativity that may manifest. High school can present many challenges. These challenges can come in the form of negative peer pressure, bullying, difficult classes, standardized tests, troubled relationships, low self-esteem, issues at home, and wanting to fit in with your peers. There are many issues you will face which can affect your performance, motivation, and desire to achieve. Obstacles can create doubt and deter you from having a positive mindset. Because you are likely to encounter stumbling blocks, it is important for you to understand ways to help remain positive.
Many teenagers equate positive feelings with having fun. There is nothing wrong with having fun and enjoying life. You might even say that teens are supposed to do this. However, it is always wise to practice moderation. You do not want to overindulge in fun because it may cause you to get off track. High school graduation may seem as if it takes forever to reach, but time can have a way of sneaking up on you. Therefore, you cannot waste time. You must stay focused and remember that you have a goal you want to achieve.
Attaining success is the ultimate goal for many, but it can definitely be difficult to reach. It takes time, planning, focus, and a resilient mindset. If you do not mentally prepare yourself for the journey to success, it can become a "dream deferred."
High School Survival How To...
Now that you understand the importance of remaining positive, staying on track, and attaining success, how can you incorporate this advice into your life so that it will benefit you? Take a moment to review some useful strategies. In this interactivity, click each marker to learn more about tips for achieving positivity, focus, and success. Click the player button to get started.
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High SchoolSurviving How To... Review
Now that you have explored strategies for surviving high school, complete this non-graded interactivity to test your knowledge. After reading each question, check the boxes next to the correct answer or answers and click SUBMIT. Click the player button to get started.