Now that you have learned about some important survival skills for high school, it is time to apply these new skills and take action. Practicing these survival skills now will be a great start to implementing them on your own throughout your high school career.
In order to practice survival skills, you will create and then implement an action plan. Afterwards, you will record the results and reflect on the effectiveness of your strategies. The first step in creating an action plan is to determine at least one thing that you will do to practice each of the four survival skills that you learned. To assist with this, think about the following questions:
You can refer to the tips and suggestions that you learned about in the Topic Content or develop your own strategies. For example, one action that you might put into practice could be:
"What will you do to be proactive? – I will email my math teacher and ask him if I can schedule a tutoring session before the next test."
After you have determined your action plan for the four survival skills, put that plan into action and work on those skills. Take note of how well your actions worked out and what benefits you drew from the experience. Once you have gauged the results of your action plan, consolidate the experience and share it by composing a written summary in which you detail the actions that you took to practice each skill and the outcomes. Be sure to reflect on the effectiveness of each of your strategies and how you might adjust the strategy for use in the future. As always, remember to use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation in your writing. Before you begin, review the Survival Skills Action Plan Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.
Once you have completed your Summary, please submit your work to the dropbox.