Survival Skills

male athlete crossing finish lineCharles Darwin once stated, "It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change." In high school you will encounter continuous change within a short period of time. Just think about all of the change you encounter – teachers, classes, sometimes friends, grades, class leaders, etc. One big change you experience is with yourself. From your freshman year to your senior year, you not only change physically but mentally and emotionally as well. If you are able to effectively deal with all of these changes that play a critical role in your high school career, you will prove your ability to survive. Survival is not so much an achievement of the strong as it is of those who can remain resilient and proactive in the midst of change. Staying on top of your progress, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, fostering resiliency, and being proactive are all effective survival skills to help you be successful.