Modernist Nonfiction

male student with a stack of books thinkingEarlier in this topic, you brainstormed a list of memorable events from your own life and jotted down some details about each event. For this application assignment, choose one of those events and write the true story of it in a personal narrative. Remember, personal narratives are a form of literary nonfiction. Therefore, the details of your narrative must be true and as accurate as you can remember.

An effective personal narrative describes a true event using vivid details and imagery. It is a good idea to relate the event in a clear and logical order, but remember to show how the experience had a definite impact on you. In addition, please keep your narrative school-appropriate in language and in content.

Before you begin the assignment, review the Nonfiction Narrative Rubric to help you complete your assignment and understand how your work will be graded.

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Once you have completed your nonfiction narrative, please submit your work to the dropbox.


This assignment might be a work sample that you want to include in your digital portfolio.