Remember the thirty minutes of news watching and news website perusing you did in the warm-up for this topic? You are now going to use the controversial issues you found in the news and what you learned in this topic about writing a claim to actually write your own claim. You will pick one of these trending issues and write a claim to post to the collaboration area/discussion board. Then, you will select an issue or claim proposed by any two classmates, and write an opposing claim to their original thesis. If a classmate has provided a claim that is not arguable, you may provide feedback as to what needs to be changed or revised to make his or her claim debatable.
When you have finished the Claim Discussion, take the quiz below.
Claim Discussion
Review the Claim Discussion Rubric to understand how your discussion posts will be graded.
Part 1
Part 2
Now that you have learned how to write a claim for a persuasive essay, you will take a quiz based on this content. This quiz will allow you to complete the assignment and receive a grade immediately. In order to be prepared for this activity, you should make sure that you have:
Please visit the quizzing area to take your topic Application quiz.