Which words do you consistently misspell? Do you have trouble remembering the meaning of certain words or when to use them correctly? Consider the list below that contains commonly misspelled or misused words. Are any of them troublesome for you, or do you have a list of other words that send you to a dictionary on a routine basis?
Make a list of these words, then use this list as a checklist when you revise and edit your paper.
Accept/Except |
Passed/Past |
Accustom |
Prescription/Subscription |
Between/Among |
Principle/Principal |
Conscious/Conscience |
Receive |
Effect/Affect |
Stationery/Stationary |
Embarrass |
Than/Then |
Fewer/Less |
Their/There/They're |
Its/It's |
Through/Though/Threw |
Opportunity |
To/Too/Two |