Medieval Romances

A 14th-century tapestry of the legendary King Arthur

A 14th-century tapestry of the legendary King Arthur

Knights, damsels in distress, and wizards are commonly found in today's literature, movies, and television shows. These character types have been a part of culture since the Medieval Period. In medieval times, society followed a feudal structure. Lords, knights, and common people entered into agreements to form self-sustaining manor communities for protection and to sustain themselves. The prominence of knights in these communities led to a code of conduct, called chivalry, and a new form of literature, the romance. In this topic, you will learn more about medieval romances by reading and analyzing Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. You will also explore the legends surrounding the British mythical leader King Arthur.

Essential Questions

  • What are the characteristics of medieval romances?
  • Why were Arthurian legends important to medieval literature?