Historical Connections to the Restoration and Neoclassical Periods

Historical Connections to the Restoration and Neoclassical PeriodsThe Restoration and Neoclassical Periods were times of political instability and cultural changes. Learn more about these time periods by exploring their history and politics, religion and culture, and education and literature in this interactivity. Click on each of the menu items to engage in several different types of learning activities. Click the player button to begin.

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Primary Source: "The Diary of Samuel Pepys"

Samuel Pepys was a politician and an associate of many of the most powerful leaders during the Restoration Period. He served as the Chief Secretary to the Admiralty under both King Charles II and King James II. Today, he is best known for his diary, in which he wrote observations of many of the important historical events of his day. You now know that the Restoration Period began when Charles II was restored to the English throne in 1660. In 1661, Samuel Pepys attended his coronation and recorded the events of the day, as well as his thoughts. This diary provides detailed descriptions and insights into what life was like during the Restoration Period, but it is also an important historical record.

Access and read an excerpt from "The Diary of Samuel Pepys" by Samuel Pepys. This excerpt describes the coronation of Charles II. As you read the diary, make note of the details that you may not find in other records of the event. Why are personal accounts of people, places, and events just as important as "official" documents?


Historical Connections to the Restoration and Neoclassical Periods Review

Historical Connections to the Restoration and Neoclassical ReviewSelf-Check iconNow that you have learned about the history, culture, and literature of the Restoration and Neoclassical Periods, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Read the directions associated with each question and select the correct answer or answers. Then, click SUBMIT to check your responses. Click the player button to get started.