
Poor Ulrich and Georg did not learn their lesson until it was too late. Now no one will know about the agreement they reached to end the feud, and what they learned. But, what if there had been a way for them to inform the world of their treaty? What if microblogs (like Twitter) had been available to Georg and Ulrich? What kind of status updates do you think they would have posted for their men and families?

Microblogs are social networking services that allow people to create mini-blog posts of up to 140 characters (letters, numbers, punctuation, and spaces) in length. Companies, celebrities, and politicians use microblogs to keep "followers" up to date on important events and news, but anyone can create a microblog account to communicate the events and news going on in their life. Microblogs have also been used to depict feuds between celebrities. Posts need to be short and creative, while still relaying the necessary information.

For this assignment, you will need to create a set of ten microblog-style updates that chronicle Georg Znaeym or Ulrich von Gradwitz's ordeal in the forest. Your updates need to accurately capture the character's mood and feelings, and the change of heart of the character. Make sure to include references to the ironies included in the short story. As modeled in the example below, these posts do not have to be complete sentences, but they should be complete thoughts. Your microblog posts should be creative, easy to understand, and they should use appropriate language.

Ulrich might post:

@GZnaeym Stay off my land! #poacher

Georg could respond with the post:

@TheWitz Bring an army! If you dare! #interloper

Before you begin, access the "The Interlopers" Microblog Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit. If resources outside of this course are used to complete this assignment, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.

assignment iconOnce you have completed your microblog postings, submit your completed assignment to the dropbox.