Grammar: Active/Passive Voice

1982 graffitiTime to get creative, and get active – in your writing that is. In this assignment, you will begin a short story. You are only writing the beginning of a story, not the entire narrative. You will select one of the story starters below and draft the first paragraph of a fictional short story. Here is the catch. It must be written entirely in active voice. No passive writing is allowed in this creative activity!

Be creative, energetic, intriguing, forceful… but not passive. You may make up names, places, and details as necessary in your opening paragraph, as long as you write at least eight sentences. Please use a variety of strong verbs in the active voice.


Story Starters:

  • In 1892, a proud Sioux warrior…
  • A mysterious lady strolled regally…
  • The dashing World War II fighter pilot…
  • On the planet Mars,…
  • The quirky gamer crashed…

Before you begin, access the Active Voice Checklist to ensure that you have included all needed items.

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Once you have completed the assignment, submit your work to the dropbox.