Grammar: Active/Passive Voice

active and passive voiceJust like you can be active by taking part in an activity or you can be passive by sitting and watching, the "voice" you use in your writing can also be active or passive. The term "voice" refers to the relationship between the subject and its verb of a sentence. There are two types of voice in writing: active voice and passive voice. A verb is in active voice when the subject acts or performs the action of the verb. A verb is in passive voice when the subject is acted upon, or receives, the action of the verb.

Active VoiceThe teacher gave homework. In this sentence, the teacher completed the action (gave).

Passive VoiceThe class was given homework by the teacher. In the sentence, the subject -- the class -- received the action of the verb (was given).

Look at a more examples of active and passive voice:

Active Passive
The settlers built a fort. A fort was built by the settlers.
Antone replaced the flat tire. The flat tire was replaced by Antone.

Active Versus Passive Voice

Active Voice Versus Passive VoiceIn this video, learn the advantages of using active voice and of using passive voice, as well as how to convert sentences written in passive voice to active voice. Click the player button to begin.

Download a printable version of the interactivity above.


Active/Passive Voice Review

Active/Passive Voice Review playerself-check iconIn the non-graded activity below, check to see if you can identify sentences written in active or passive voice. After selecting each answer, click SUBMIT. Click the player button to get started.