Research Writing Topic – Revising and Editing

Revising Your Research Paper

Revising Your Research PaperNo first draft is ever perfect because there is always room to improve your writing, especially in the early stages of the writing process. There are two steps that can help you improve your first draft: revising and editing. Revising your paper helps you clear up any ideas that are confusing, rearrange the order of ideas, and add or delete information. Before fine-tuning the grammar or mechanics of your research paper, focus on the overall logical flow of your paper by revising it. In this interactivity, you will learn more about four steps you can follow to revise your paper. Click the player button to begin.

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Editing Your Research Paper

Editing Your Research PaperEditing, or proofreading, your paper is a step in the writing process in which you focus on correcting errors in grammar, punctuation, and usage. Such errors might include misspelled words, incorrect verb agreement, and other errors in usage, grammar, and mechanics. If you are using word-processing software, take advantage of the tools available to you. For example, run a spell checker. Many newer programs will even check your grammar and provide you with a thesaurus that will help you change words that you feel you have overused. In addition, have someone else read and proofread your draft. In this interactivity, view a checklist of questions to ask yourself as you edit your research paper. Click the player button to begin.

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As you revise and edit your research paper, remember to pay attention to proper formatting, such as MLA style. Also, check to make sure that you are meeting all the requirements of the assignment.


Revising and Editing Review

Revising and Editing Reviewself-check iconNow that you have explored how to revise and edit your research paper, it is time to review your knowledge and practice what you have learned. In this non-graded activity, read the questions and check the boxes next to the correct answers. Click the player button to get started.