Maintaining the Machine
Your body is like a machine. It has different systems that are each responsible for a specific function. Without one of these systems, the body, like a machine, may not "run" properly. It might even shut down. Exercise has a positive impact on the body and its systems. Remember, when you exercise, your body undergoes many improvements. However, over-exercising can cause exhaustion and injuries to the body, so it is important to remain aware of appropriate levels and types of physical activity. Furthermore, by getting enough sleep, your body can renew cells and maintain immunity from disease. While the amount of sleep varies from person to person, teens need between nine and ten hours of sleep each day. As you become an adult, however, you will likely only require seven to eight hours of sleep each day. In this interactivity, you will discover what your body needs to stay healthy. Click the player button to begin.
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Blood Pressure
An important part of maintaining your body's machine, is knowing your blood pressure. Most doctors recommend that you get your blood pressure checked at least once a year. When you get your blood pressure reading, you will receive two numbers. The top number, called systolic pressure, indicates the maximum pressure your heart puts out when it beats. The bottom number, called diastolic pressure, indicates the amount of pressure in your arteries in between heart beats. A healthy blood pressure is considered 120/80. If blood pressure numbers are too high or too low, it signifies an increased risk for heart attack or cardiovascular disease. Specifically, blood pressure numbers may increase due to stiffness of the aorta, grave iron deficiency, or an overactive thyroid.
Exercise Intensity
Now that you have a better understanding of the positive effects physical activity has on your body, it is important to determine how hard you have to exercise. Numerous ways exist for you to measure exercise intensity, and one way is to monitor your heart rate. The harder you work, which is called intensity, the higher your heart rate, or pulse, will become.
You should stay within your target heart range for at least twenty minutes when you exercise. According to the American Heart Association (2016), your target heart rate should fall between fifty percent and eight-five percent of your maximum heart rate. Moderate intensity indicates fifty percent to sixty-nine percent of your maximum heart rate. High intensity shows seventy percent to eighty-five percent of your maximum heart rate. It is okay for you to dip into high intensity activity, but you should not stay there too long. It is designed for cardiovascular training, for a more serious athlete.
By examining the table below, you can figure out your maximum, moderate, and high intensity level target heart rates. Use the information in the formula column to calculate your target heart rate at each level. Make sure you hold onto these numbers, because you will need this information for the remainder of the course. In addition, you can access information on calculating your heart rate at any time by viewing the Fitness Log Information document in the Developmental Module.
Formula | Your Numbers | ||
1 | Determine your resting heart rate. | Rest for at least 20 minutes, and then take your pulse. | |
2 | Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). | (220 - age) | |
3 | Moderate Intensity Target Heart Rate. | MHR x .50 to MHR x .69 | |
4 | High Intensity Target Heart Rate. | MHR x .70 to MHR x .85 |
Designing a Wellness Plan
Designing a plan, especially a fitness plan, is like looking at a road map. You must plan each step to take to reach your fitness goals. An annual plan allows you to view an entire year on one page that ends with your long-term goals. That seems like a lot to think about, but after setting the long-term plan, we will break it down into smaller units, by month and week. This should make it easier for you to stay on track. Looking at your long-term goals and planning to execute them through smaller steps will allow you to experience small successes along the way.
How do you get started?
First, you list all or any goals you may want to accomplish in a selected time period. For example:
I want to…
To make it easier, place your goals in order of importance. Once you have all of your goals listed, please complete this interactivity. Keep your goals in mind as you follow these six simple steps that will help ensure you are on the best road to achieving your goals. Click the player button to begin.
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Games and Sports
Game: An activity that involves competition between two people or groups by a set of regulations for fair play (may or may not require physical fitness and skill).
Sport: A physical activity that involves competition between two or more people and that requires physical fitness and skill.
How did sports become such a popular pastime? Where did the concept of fun competitive activity first originate? Prehistoric cave drawings depict humans involved in different physical activities. It is believed that these early humans played games with pebbles in between hunting trips.
The history of sport can tell us a lot about society and the events taking place during that particular time period. It can tell us about the economy, the government, and the way people valued business and leisure time. For instance, consider American football and the influence it has on society from youth leagues to the professional level.
One of the most significant examples of sport influencing culture is the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games are believed to have started in the 8th century B.C.E. This major international competition reportedly had simple beginnings, with a day of many heats of a single sprint. As years went on, other events were eventually added, such as javelin and discus throwing, wrestling, boxing, and even chariot racing.
For more information about the origin of the Olympics and the first Olympic games, visit the official Olympic games website.
You can participate in various games and sports; however, those that allow for physical exertion will benefit your body the most. Try various games and sports for physical fitness, and find ones that you enjoy doing so you are more apt to make them part of your daily routine for an active lifestyle.
How Fit Are You? Review
Now that you have learned how to design a wellness plan, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.