Improving Your Flexibility
Before you begin the assignment below, make sure to download the Flexibility Report. As you complete this activity, fill in any needed information on the report template.
The instructions for this activity are available below or in a printable version.
How flexible are you? In this assignment, you will measure the flexibility of your lower back and hamstrings using the V-Sit Reach test. Then, you will continue to stretch over a period of one week and determine if you increased your flexibility by performing the V-Sit Reach test again. Complete each part of this assignment and record your information on the Flexibility Report.
Procedure and Data Collection
Please follow the listed procedures to complete the V-Sit Reach testing.
Part 1: Initial V-Sit Reach Testing
- Mark a straight line that extends two feet on the floor using a masking tape. This line will serve as the baseline.
- Mark a straight line perpendicular to the midpoint of the baseline using masking tape. The point where the baseline and the measuring line intersect should be marked as the “0” point. The tape should be marked off in half-inches.
- Remove your shoes and sit on the floor with the marked off tape between your legs and the soles of your feet placed immediately behind the baseline. Your heels should be 8-12 inches apart.
- With your legs flat on the floor, hands on top of each other (palms down), and arms outstretched, flex forward and reach as far as possible with your arms outstretched.
- Repeat step four three times as practice.
- On the fourth attempt, record the maximum distance you reached. Record your data on the Flexibility Report.
Part 2: Stretching Exercises
- For the next seven days, practice various stretching exercises to improve your flexibility. To improve your V-Sit Reach result, make sure you stretch your glutes, hamstrings, inner thighs, spine, quads, and calf muscles.
- Make a list of the stretches you completed each day and record the number of repetitions on the Flexibility Report. You may need to visit resources outside of this course to learn how to properly complete each stretch.
Part 3: Post V-Sit Reach Testing
- Complete Part 1 of this assignment again and record your V-Sit Reach score after seven days of stretching. Record your data on the Flexibility Report.

Once you have completed your assignment, please submit your work to the dropbox.