The Benefits of Walking
As you already know, walking has many health benefits. It helps reduce stress and the risk of developing many diseases. Your daily goal should be to walk at least 10,000 steps. Depending on your stride length, it can take an average of 2,000 to 2,500 steps to walk a mile. That means you should be walking around four miles per day. In this interactivity, learn about the many benefits to adding walking to your fitness routine. Click the player button to begin.
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Walking and Socialization
Did you know that walking can help your social health as well? Walking with a partner can actually help your relationships with others. Walking helps keep your body healthy; and when you physically feel good, you will feel better mentally and emotionally. Positivity reduces stress and allows you to surround yourself with other positive people.
Walking does not always have to be an individual activity. Walking with a partner gives you a chance to spend time with a friend or family member. You can spend the time talking about your day or asking advice about a problem you might have. You might even find it to be a good time to resolve a conflict. Walking with someone else seems to help the time go by faster. You might be more inclined to walk even farther.
How can you fit walking into your daily schedule, especially if you are already busy? Take a look at the time you may spend talking on the phone, texting, or communicating over the computer. Do you talk to someone that lives close by? Instead of using technology to socialize, how about walking instead? You can fit in some physical activity outdoors while talking to your friend.
Do you live near school, a friend's house, work, or some other place that you visit often? Instead of catching a ride, you can walk to your destination. Just make sure that the weather is good, that your route is safe, that you wear bright clothing, and that you let someone know where you are going and when they can expect you home.
Do you have a chore like taking care of the family dog? That probably includes making sure the dog gets adequate exercise. Grab a leash and take your dog for a walk. You just might be surprised how good a walking partner your dog can be.
The Proper Way to Walk
When you are walking for exercise, there is a proper way to walk. Using the proper way to walk will improve your posture while helping you walk for a greater distance. In this interactivity, explore eight tips that will help you become a better walker. The suggested tips will help you on your way to achieving 10,000 steps per day. Click the player button to begin.
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Walking for Your Health Review
Now that you have investigated the benefits of walking and the proper way to walk, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.