Walking for Your Health

Teenager walking down country road

Walking is a low-impact exercise that gives your body physical and mental health benefits. Walking is one of your body's most natural forms of exercise. Walking is safe, simple and does not require practice. Walking with a partner also has added benefits, such as social health. In this topic, you will explore all of the benefits of walking. As part of your physical activity requirements for this topic, you should walk for at least thirty minutes, three days this week with a partner. In order to record your physical activity, you will be required to complete and submit a fitness log during the Application section of this topic. Please refer to the Fitness Log instructions in the Developmental Module, download the Fitness Log to your computer, and have it accessible throughout the week.

Essential Questions

  • How can adding walking to your daily routine help you achieve health benefits?
  • How can walking with a partner offer health benefits?