Core Exercises
Put one of your hands on your stomach and the other on your back. Now twist a little from side to side. Do you feel any of your muscles as you move? These are some of your core muscles. The core area of your body consists of muscles deep within the abdomen and back that attach to the spine and pelvis. There are several different exercises you can complete to improve your core strength. The good thing is that most of them can be done right in your own home, with little or no equipment. In this interactivity, learn how to complete several core exercises. Click the player button to begin.
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Benefits of a Strong Core
Core muscles are used in every single movement of the body. These muscles support the spine and pelvis and help with balance and stability. The benefits of a strong core listed below:
Total-Body Workouts
Total body workouts are designed to improve all areas of your body. They do not focus on just one area of the body, but all areas, such as your upper-body, lower-body, and core. Many gyms have classes you can take that are designed to provide total-body workouts. However, you can create workout programs that focus on all areas of the body.
Think of the exercises that target your upper-body, lower-body, and core areas, such as bicep curls, push-ups, squats, lunges, and sit-ups. By combining these exercises and completing them in one session, you have completed a total-body workout. For example, in one workout session you could complete thirty minutes on the elliptical machine to get a lower-body workout, as well as a cardiovascular workout. Then you could complete twenty pull-ups for an upper-body workout. Lastly, you could finish by completing fifty sit-ups for a core area workout.
Many sports and activities provide total-body workouts, such as martial arts, tennis, swimming, and some dances. You might incorporate such physical activities into your fitness plan as part of your total-body workout sessions. Total-body workouts can increase your muscular strength and endurance, as well as your cardiovascular endurance.
Core Exercises and Total-Body Workouts Review
Now that you have examined core exercises and total-body workouts, check your knowledge by completing this non-graded interactivity. Click the player button to get started.