Sportsmanship and Respect

Part 1

High school girl playing lacrossFor this application assignment, choose a sport or recreational activity to meet your fitness requirement. Your goal is to complete a total of 420 minutes of activity throughout the week at a pace of sixty minutes of exercise each day. Your physical activity should include a variety of aerobic exercise, muscle strengthening activities, and bone strengthening activities. During each aerobic exercise, you are to maintain your target heart rate for at least twenty minutes. Please refer to the Fitness Log Information link and the Measuring Your Heart Rate link in the Developmental Module for directions, download the Fitness Log to your computer, and have it accessible throughout the week. Make sure you have completed the entire fitness log, including:

  • Course Information (Module # and Topic #)
  • Heart Rate Information
  • Activity Reflection
  • Activity Log
  • Any Additional Comments

If you use an exercise tracking device or system like a gaming console, watch, wristband, pedometer, mobile application, or a software program, make sure that you are saving the information from each workout.

Assignment IconOnce you have completed your fitness log, save the file and submit it to the dropbox. You will also need to save a copy of it for your fitness journal that you will submit at the end of this course.


Part 2

High school girl using a computer near a large window

Now that you have explored ways to resolve conflict in sports, you will engage in a "check for understanding" conversation with your instructor. This conversation will serve as part of your Application for this topic, and will cover information on conflict-resolution and sportsmanship. During this conversation, your instructor will provide you with a prompt or series of questions about the material that you just learned. Your instructor will expect you to provide detailed information about this topic's content. To be prepared for this activity, you should make sure that you have:

  1. Read or viewed the material that has been covered in this topic;
  2. Taken notes on any assigned content; and
  3. Reviewed your notes and instructor feedback from previous assignments.

Your instructor may provide you with more details about this assignment. Please contact your instructor to set up a time to talk in person, via a phone call, or web conference.