Sportsmanship and Respect

Individual Characteristics in Sport

Individual Characteristics in SportSports bring together a variety of participants, all of whom have unique characteristics. For this reason, it is extremely important for each person to develop respect for all team members’ personal characteristics, traits, differences, and abilities. In this interactivity, learn the characteristics that are demonstrated by strong team players. Click the player button to begin.

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SportsmanshipHave you ever gotten into an argument with a teammate? Has a referee’s call ever upset you? Did the playing or comments from an opposing team cause you to lose focus during a game? Developing and maintaining sportsmanship enhances the experience of both playing and watching sports. Good sportsmanship encourages everyone to try his or her best while having the satisfaction that the game is being played fairly. In this interactivity, learn what it means to have good sportsmanship. Click the player button to begin.

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Conflict in Sport

Conflict in SportWhen sportsmanship is ignored, conflicts occur. Conflict often begins as participants become frustrated. It can occur between two or more athletes or between a coach and an athlete. Conflict can even occur between an athlete and a spectator or an athlete and a referee. Athletes who want to practice good sportsmanship must know the most effective ways to manage conflict. In this interactivity, explore some strategies to managing conflict.

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Sportsmanship and Respect Review

Self-check IconSportsmanship and Respect ReviewNow that you have explored sportsmanship and respect in sports, check your knowledge by completing this non-graded interactivity. Click the player button to get started.