Early Christian Oceanography

Voyages of the Vikings and Chinese

Voyages of the Vikings and Chinese InteractivityIn this topic, you will learn about the early Viking and Chinese voyages. While busy invading Northern Europe, the Vikings were the only major European culture to succeed in undertaking new voyages, which led to new discoveries both geographic and oceanographic. Far east of Europe, the Chinese were also making important discoveries, particularly in navigation and shipbuilding. In this interactivity, you will learn about these voyages. Click the player button to get started.

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Early Christian Oceanography Review

Self-Check IconEarly Christian Oceaongraphy Review InteractivityNow that you have explored early Christian oceanography, recall what you have learned. In this non-graded interactivity, match each historical description on the right with its corresponding historical item on the left. Click SUBMIT to check your responses. Click the player button to begin.